2024년 05월 04일 토요일
뉴스홈 국제
China says 'good riddance' to Trump

[서울=아시아뉴스통신] 레악카나기자 송고시간 2021-01-21 03:20

Donald Trump's presidency has largely been defined by his disregard for political norms and his historic two impeachments. (File photo by=Bredan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images)

[Asia News Communication = Reporter Reakkana] China’s media haven’t been shy about telling the world that they’re glad to see the back of Trump and his team.

The official Xinhua News Agency made that crystal clear today with a tweet saying “good riddance, Donald Trump!” The national Global Times newspaper also featured a damning commentary on how “China has learned from Trump’s presidency that we should not have too many expectations or unrealistic illusions about future China-US relations.”

Officials have offered particularly scathing criticism on outgoing Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. In today’s regular foreign ministry briefing, spokeswoman Hua Chunying said that “all of the poisonous lies spread by Pompeo will be swept, along with him, into the ‘rubbish dump of history’.”But when asked whether she would miss him, she said “Of course. He brought us a lot of entertainment. Every day we got to see a big show.” And Global Times notes that love him or hate him, social media will be sad to see the back of President Trump. It says that “Donald Trump has become the most searched individual on Weibo, appearing 589 times on Weibo’s trending list in 2020, surpassing epidemic experts, online celebrities and popular heartthrobs.”


[ 저작권자 © 아시아뉴스통신. 무단 전재 및 재배포금지]

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