2024년 05월 06일 월요일
뉴스홈 국제
4 killed in accident during building maintenance work in Tokyo

[서울=아시아뉴스통신] 레악카나기자 송고시간 2021-04-16 05:19

Four building maintenance workers were killed in Tokyo on Thursday as a fire. (Photo by= Kyodo)

[Asia News Communication = Reporter Reakkana] Four building maintenance workers were killed in Tokyo on Thursday as a fire suppression system was unintentionally switched on in a basement parking garage, police and firefighters said, Kyodo reported.

A total of six men were replacing ceiling linings in the parking garage of a condominium building in Shinjuku Ward when the activated fire suppression system began discharging carbon dioxide used as a fire extinguishing agent and caused shutters to close, trapping five of the workers, according to the police.

One worker is in critical condition and receiving treatment at a hospital.


[ 저작권자 © 아시아뉴스통신. 무단 전재 및 재배포금지]

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