2024년 05월 22일 수요일
뉴스홈 연예/문화
The netizen who claimed Jo Byung Kyu was a school bully admits he lied

[서울=아시아뉴스통신] 레악카나기자 송고시간 2021-02-19 02:20

Jo Byung Kyu on his recent drama, "The Uncanny Counter". (Photo from Yahoo Finance)

[Asia News Communication = Reporter Reakkana] It’s confirmed that the netizen, who claimed to have been subjected to school bullying by actor Jo Byung Kyu, admitted to writing false information and asked Jo Byung Kyu's agency for leniency. According to HB Entertainment, on February 17th, the netizen who wrote about Jo Byung Kyu had admitted to lying and created a post with false information. 

An official from the agency stated, "We will give the following statement pertaining to the recent spread of false information about actor Jo Byung Kyu." The statement stated, "Right after we filed a legal complaint and requested an investigation to punish the netizen who created the malicious post with false information, the netizen in question contacted us. The writer of that post turned himself in and admitted that his post was false. He stated that he admit to his wrongdoing and misconduct and asked for leniency." The agency confirmed the authenticity of the author and confirmed that the netizen deleted the false post himself. 

HB Entertainment continued to state, "We were taking strict legal measures against the misconduct and malicious rumors about our actor. However, considering that the author self-reflected on his actions and expressed his willingness to comply and seed leniency, we decided to only receive an agreement that the netizen will no longer create false posts."


[ 저작권자 © 아시아뉴스통신. 무단 전재 및 재배포금지]

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