2024년 05월 16일 목요일
뉴스홈 국제
World Cup to use drones to help protect stadiums

[서울=아시아뉴스통신] 레악카나기자 송고시간 2022-07-24 03:05

Targets are identified using a "series of very small radars that are distributed throughout the venue, creating a complete picture of the airspace straight up into the air", Fortem chief executive and co-founder Timothy Bean told the BBC. A drone interceptor capturing a fixed-wing drone. (Photo by=FORTEM TECHNOLOGIES)

[Asia News = Reporter Reakkana] Man-to-man marking will be paired with drone v drone security at this winter's Fifa World Cup in Qatar. Unmanned aerial vehicles that shoot nets to bring down small "rogue" drones will help defend venues, BBC Sports reported.
Fortem Technologies will provide the interceptor drones, following an agreement with Qatar's interior ministry. It says the agreement reflects growing fears about the threat potential drone attacks pose in general. Fortem says its system is a safe way to bring down drones in built-up locations, reducing the risks of injury that might be caused if weapons were used. The autonomous, radar-guided interceptor drones - dubbed DroneHunters by the firm - tackle small consumer drones by firing nets to snare the target drone which may then be carried to another location.
The company says it has deployed anti-drone systems at other sporting events and at the World Economic Forum meeting at Davos. It has donated portable versions of its system to Ukraine and said it was also working on anti-drone measures for UK airports. The Utah-based firm, which has received backing from Toshiba and Boeing, will work for the Qatari Ministry of Interior and Safety and Security Operations Committee at the World Cup in November and December.


[ 저작권자 © 아시아뉴스통신. 무단 전재 및 재배포금지]

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