2024년 05월 19일 일요일
뉴스홈 연예/문화
Actor Kim Seon Ho issues a formal statement of apology toward ex-girlfriend 'A'

[서울=아시아뉴스통신] 레악카나기자 송고시간 2021-10-21 02:01

"I am aware that this rambling statement will not fully reach your hearts, but I am still attempting to convey my sincere thoughts. I am very sorry." (Photo from Epicstream)

[Asia News = Reporter Reakkana] Actor Kim Seon Ho released a formal statement of apology toward his ex-girlfriend 'A', after becoming wrapped up in controversial accusations related to his private life. 

"This is Kim Seon Ho. First, I sincerely apologize for my belated statement. When I first saw the news with my name on them a few days ago, I experienced fear as I had never felt before, which is why I am only now presenting myself in writing. I dated this person with good feelings. But during the relationship, I hurt this person due to my incompetence and lack of consideration. I had hoped to meet with this person again in order to deliver my sincere apology, but I'm currently unable to do so and am waiting for a time when I am presented with the opportunity.

I hope to relay my apology in earnest through this letter. And also like to apologize to all those who trusted me and cheered me on until the end, for disappointing you. I was only able to stand tall as actor Kim Seon Ho because of the people who cheered me on, but I had forgotten this fact. I also take this time to apologize to the many people who worked with me on various productions for the harm which I have caused, due to my mistakes."


[ 저작권자 © 아시아뉴스통신. 무단 전재 및 재배포금지]

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